Bilibili video downloader

Bilibili is China's leading video platform featuring anime, gaming, and youth culture content. Unique for its real-time comment system (弹幕) and strong community focus on ACG (Anime, Comics, Games) culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Bilibili URL formats are supported by this Bilibili video downloader?

Our Bilibili Video Downloader supports following URL formats:

  • (shortened format)
Does the downloader support Bilibili episode/bangumi format?

Currently, we do not support episode/bangumi format URLs such as:

Can I download videos that require Bilibili VIP membership?
Our downloader cannot process videos that require Bilibili VIP membership. This includes premium anime episodes, movies, and other exclusive content. We respect Bilibili's content protection and subscription services.
Does the Bilibili video downloader support downloading Bilibili danmaku?

Currently, our downloader supports:

  • Video content download
  • Audio track download

Danmaku (rolling comments) download is not supported at this time. For the complete Bilibili experience including danmaku, please use the official Bilibili platform.

Can I download videos from Bilibili Live streams?
No, our downloader does not support downloading live streams from Bilibili. We only support downloading regular uploaded videos, including both user-generated content and official releases.
What about multi-part videos on Bilibili?

For multi-part videos on Bilibili:

  • You need to download each part separately
  • Use the specific URL for each part (e.g.,

Batch downloading of all parts at once is not supported at this time.

What happens if I try to download a video with restricted access?
Our downloader cannot process videos that are: members-only content, geographically restricted, age-restricted, or private videos. We comply with Bilibili's content access policies and user privacy settings.